„Not good enough to be a missionary? That can’t be true, simply can’t!”
Gladys Aylward’s future seems quite blank now that she has been thrown out of missionary school because of failing her Bible class. Still, she is determined to go to China and preach the Gospel message there. But how? With no money or missionary organization to back her, Gladys works hard, at first to purchase a train ticket to Tientsin, China, then to find a place to live in her new country.

Making her arrival to China, Gladys soon finds out that foreigners aren’t welcomed very warmly in this place, so far away from her former home. In fact, they are spat at, thrown mud cakes into and even called „foreign devils”! Still, Gladys works patiently, trying to gain the love and respect of the Chinese. And gain she does. Slowly but surely, people understand that there is nothing to be afraid of, regarding the foreigners. Gladys is even rewarded with the nickname „Ai-Weh-Deh”, meaning „The Virtuous One”.
Times are not always easy for Gladys Aylward, though. Soon, the Japanese invade China. The war is horrific. Besides the battle between Japan and China, there’s a new war coming: the Nationalist govern fights back the Communist one. Despite the suffering, agony and hatred, Gladys maintains her courage. God gives her power and strengthens her, because she is honest and the cause she is fighting for is a noble one: bringing souls to God and saving children whose families have been killed by the war.
Because now, Gladys houses, feeds and clothes approximately one hundred fifty children! Hearing this, most of us will probably say: „But that’s impossible!” and „No normal woman alone can care for so many children! It just can’t be!”
True. It can’t be. No normal woman can do this. But Gladys Aylward is not normal. She is guided by the strong arm of the Lord. She is courageous and daring. She is faithful.
Read a touching story about an amazing life, an amazing woman, an amazing destiny and an amazing faith. Because Gladys is not alone. It is not herself that helps the people. It is God working through her hands, and it is God warming her heart like a torch.
A book to treasure.